Almost every day, there are new headlines about local young people making the wrong decisions. Whether it is a criminal act or making a wrong move without thinking that leads to harm either for the young person or others who suffer from the person’s mistake, lives are harmed and wasted. When you see sporadic headlines, you might miss the gravity of the problem. That is why I have decided to compile a running list so readers can understand youth violence and crime is a threat to all of us. I found this source from WAGA-TV in Atlanta: List of Georgia juveniles, teens killed or injured in 2023 by guns.  This is hard to read, even harder to comprehend.

I founded Be Someone Inc. in 2001 with the express purpose of mentoring and teaching young people how to make the right moves in their lives using the principles learned in the game of chess.  Every time I see another sad story, I tell myself if I had just had the opportunity to work with this child, I could have stopped the resulting destruction of lives. I realize we don’t know the full story behind these tragic stories but I always ask… what if somehow, some way, someone could have made a difference.  Think of this… a lifetime marred (at best), a lifetime lost (at worst)  in 10 minutes.  We all have a stake in this… our future! – Orrin Hudson 

(Updated January 10, 2025)  

MARTA bus driver killed over $2.50 fare argument.  Teens charged.  –  Three teens in Decatur are in custody for the murder of a bus driver after they argued over a fare they owed.  The driver confronted the three and the dispute became heated after one of the boys threatened to spit on the driver. Another MARTA employee attempted to intervene to deescalate the argument.  One of the teens wearing a red hoodie pulled out a gun and shot the victim several times then fled the scene.  The altercation was caught on video by a bystander.  The shooter later turned himself in and the other two were arrested and charged as adults.  They are facing murder and aggravated assault charges.  Orrin:  First, what was this kid doing walking the streets with a loaded weapon?  Was he looking for trouble?  Did the gun in his pocket empower him to the point that his brain quit functioning?  One life taken, three lives ruined because these young people decided thug mentality and a gun made them invincible.  Consequences?  I wonder how they feel today sitting in a jail cell looking through bars instead of planning to meet friends at a high school basketball game.  They made the wrong choice.  Now they pay the price, a very steep price.  I would like to ask them, “How tough do you feel today?” 

Six arrested after shooting in cemetery injures Georgia woman – Winder police arrested six people including four children after a shooting in a cemetery injured a woman sitting in the back seat of a car.  A 17-year-old with four children 14- and 15-years old hanging with him arranged a marijuana buy involving another 17-year-old.  It was unclear who was buying and who was selling.  But the driver of the car told police he decided to drive off after the sale turned to a robbery.  As he fled, the  other person opened fire on the car striking the woman.  He later contacted police and the accused group was arrested.  The woman was taken to a hospital for treatment.  Orrin:  So this tough guy weed dealer has his own posse, 14 and 15-year-old kids.  I pray there is an intervention after this and these kids are redirected from looking up to a punk who apparently didn’t understand that shooting a gun at someone could get you in trouble.  These kids should be learning how to play chess and how to make the right moves in life.  This was a very bad move.  They apparently looked up to this 17-year-old man of the world now revealed as a certified idiot.   

Teen’s home shot up after apparent altercation at school  –  A 14-year-old student was not home in DeKalb County when others who wished him harm came calling with weapons drawn.  But there were other children home alone.  Although not physically injured, they were traumatized by the assault. A reported 25 shots were fired into the home. The teen’s mother reports her son was recently “jumped” at school over a disagreement.  She believes the attack was a result of that fight.  Orrin:  I suspect there is more to this story than is provided here.  Sounds like a little more than bullying.  I would tell this mom to get her son out of this environment as soon as possible and look for interventions that will teach her son responsibility and the ability to make the right choices.  It sounds like she and her son are dealing with thugs, not just mean young people. 

15-year-old girl kills two, herself in WI school shooting  –  A teen girl opened fire in the study hall of a Christian School in Madison, WI, killing another student and a teacher.  She later turned the gun on herself bringing the total dead to three.  No precise motive has been released.  Orrin:  Could this have been prevented?  Her parents were divorced but that’s not unusual these days but we always ask… “What were the signs that horrific trouble was brewing inside this teen’s mind?” Now here we are a week before the most joyous time of the year and families, a community, and our nation mourn the inexplicable loss of beautiful lives. Certainly this goes beyond the lessons coming from a chessboard but it is worth pleading for the welfare of our children.  Right now there are so many young people dealing with unspeakable things in their lives.  Watch for them then watch out for them.  Get them the help they need before there is no help left. They are precious. 

14-year-old charged with involuntary manslaughter in shooting death of friend  –  A 15-year-old in South Carolina was shot and killed by his 14-year-old friend when the weapon he was cleaning unexpectedly discharge striking the older teen in the chest.  Orrin:  I am all about teaching kids responsibility but I have to ask what was this child (yes, child!) doing handling a weapon with a friend in the house without an adult to ensure there were no live rounds in the chamber? So many questions but answers now will not change the outcome.  How many stories fill these pages that include adult contributions?  They make no sense.  Children  count on us to teach and protect them.  This is a senseless, easily preventable accident.  I teach responsibility to young people.  My classes should be expanded to include parents and guardians of youngsters.  I hate these stories. 

15-year-old arrested for bringing gun to school  –  A Duluth Middle School student was arrested for bringing a semi-automatic 9mm handgun to class.  Students alerted authorities that the student had a weapon.  The male student now faces charges in juvenile court. Orrin:  Trying to get into the head of a teenager these days is almost impossible.  Notoriety?  Tough guy?  Settling scores – bullying?  Mental health issues?  Whatever the case, it must be investigated with court proceedings following.  Appropriate punishment must be adjudicated and a strong message sent to other young minds who think such an act is “cool.”  There is a consequence for every action.  That message must be drilled into every young person today… before it is too late.  Kudos to the kids who reported the dangerous situation. 

14-year-old kills two students, two teachers at Apalachee High School; six teens arrested for making social media threats  –  A 14-year-old student with a troubled past opened fire in Barrow County’s Apalachee High School (Winder) killing two fellow students and two teachers.  Nine other people were wounded but will survive.  The school’s two resource officers subdued the teen without firing a shot.  Reports say the youngster’s father gave him an AR-style rifle for Christmas even though his mental health stability was being formally questioned.  In the days following, six teens across Metro-Atlanta were arrested for making terrorist threats against their schools on social media.  Orrin:  As most people are in our state, I am devastated by this story.  I am not going to pretend the Be Someone program could have kept this child from committing this heinous act.  But I will say this.  This was a troubled youngster who should have been under care away from the school system.  And the father?  All my students have a strong family connection.  Someone who loves them brought them to sit behind my chess boards.  I have often said it.  We are all members of this Village we live in.  We each share a responsibility to care for others.  Both son and father are now in jail charged with murder and a variety of other charges. Love your children.  Protect them, care for them, nurture them.  Get them help when it is beyond your expertise.  

Two teens arrested in Peachtree City for CBD store robbery.  –  Fifteen and 16-year-old Peachtree City residents were arrested after robbing a local CBD store of $7,000 in merchandise.  They gained access to the store late at night by breaking a window using a thrown rock.  The police called the 15-year-old the “ringleader.  Both boys were charged with second degree burglary as well as other charges including theft by taking a motor vehicle.  Apparently, they were involved in thefts of golf carts in the area.  Adult neighbors of the pair, 18 and 28, were also charged with second degree theft after a search of several apartments revealed stolen merchandise. Orrin: If I had a chance, this is the question I would like to ask the 15-year-old: “Are you proud to be called a ringleader even if it means facing jail time?  Or would you rather be a student leader at your high school where you excel academically and other students look up to you? My students are in that last category. 

Two kids, 12 and 14, sought for daytime robbery  –  Police are searching for two youngsters who approached a city worker at 1:30 p.m. on a school day repairing signs at a local park, brandished a gun, stole his government truck, and fled.  Orrin:  Why weren’t they in school?  Was this something fun for them to do?  Were they bored?  None of my students are bored.  My students know right from wrong.  I would love to know what happens to these kids.  Will they turn around or will they be on a road to self-destruction?  I pray someone intervenes fast.  What a waste. 

High school student overdoses at school  –  A Dunwoody High School student’s life appears to have been saved when school staff administered Narcan after the student apparently overdosed on an opioid.  Narcan reverses overdose symptoms.  This comes three months after another student at the school died of a drug overdose.  A fellow student was arrested and charged with involuntary manslaughter and reckless conduct in that case.  Orrin:  This just breaks your heart.  Why do kids get into drugs?  What is missing in their lives when they adopt dangerous practices?  Thank goodness fast acting staff members kept this beautiful child from being a fatal statistic.  She gets another chance.  Her classmate was not as lucky.  Be Someone Inc. teaches kids to think and realize a bad move when they see one.  We teach kids they are someone and don’t need to look for someone or something else to prove it to them. 

16-year-old charged with four counts of murder  –  Four males ranging in age 17-21 were gunned down in a Dalton-area park  after an apparent drug deal went bad late at night.  A 16-year-old has been charged with killing all four.  Orrin:  I wasn’t sure I should include this one but considering this person’s age, 16, I thought I would.  How does a 16-year-old position himself for such a thing.  He took four lives, actually, five.  Although he still breathes and walks, his shot at a normal, happy life is over.  I was and remain involved in the lives of my kids.  They all are winners.  What happened in this child’s life that took him to that Dalton Park?  I shudder at that thought. 

15-year-old kills self after falling to sextortion  –  A girl in the Rome-area community thought she was developing a relationship with a fellow teen on the internet.  Unfortunately, it was a male adult.  She thought she was playing a game.  She was but someone else was making the rules.  She was skillfully guided to provide sexual images.  Once this evil person obtained what he was after he spilled the beans and told her to go kill herself.  She did.  Her sister found her lifeless body.  Orrin:  Why did I decide to include this?  Our children are under attack from so many areas.  We must do more to protect them.  Adults in this community have formed a group “Parents Together” and have asked Facebook parent company META to do more to strengthen safeguards against predators on their platform.  The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reports that sextortion is up 323% in the past two years.  Last year alone, reports of child sexual abuse images, often central to sextortion, topped 100 million!  I tell the parents of children in my classes they must be involved with their kids.  They must be loving parents, defenders not friends.  Children are OUR future.  WE must protect them. 

Henry County 16-year-old shot in stomach  –  Police were summoned to a Henry County gas station at 2:45 a.m. where they found a 16-year-old male suffering from a bullet wound to the stomach. Upon investigating, officers found that a group of teens were horsing around with a gun when the incident happened.  There were several teens in the group but a 17-year-old was arrested and charged with reckless conduct and possession of a firearm by a person under 18.  The victim was transported to a hospital but there was no report on his condition.  Orrin: Nothing good ever happens after midnight, especially when teens are involved. 2:45 a.m…. either the parents were asleep and had no idea their kids were involved in mayhem or they knew and didn’t much care.  I have had several 16-year-old kids in my classes and not one that I am aware of made such a poor decision.  Why? Because when they are sitting behind a chess board, they clearly understand there are consequences for every move they make. These two teenagers  also learned that lesson.  Unfortunately, one has a bullet hole in his stomach and one has a police record and court rooms to deal with. 

Hawkinsville teen in critical condition after being shot at block party  –  A large group of people, mostly teenagers, had gathered on a Hawkinsville street when gunfire erupted at 1:15 a.m. striking a 17-year-old boy.  Police responded but no arrests have yet been made.  A search for the shooter continues while the youngster remains in critical condition at a local hospital.  Orrin:  See my comments above.  There’s a reason I don’t hold classes at 1 or 2 in the morning.  Thinking, responsible young people are fast asleep at that time.  If the victim lives, maybe he will be smarter next time. 

10 kids involved in chase, crash in middle Georgia; 4 flown to Atlanta hospital in critical condition  –  (From WSB-TV News)  Four children are in critical condition at an Atlanta hospital after a chase and a crash in middle Georgia.  Bibb County deputies say they were called to someone breaking into cars at 1:30 a.m. on Thursday.  They spotted the 2005 Chevrolet Trailblazer involved in the break-in and learned it had been reported stolen the day before.  Deputies tried pulling it over, but the driver started a chase with them.  A Georgia State Patrol trooper performed a PIT maneuver on the car and it crashed into a utility pole.  The 17-year-old driver tried to run but was arrested. Deputies report there were 10 people in the car.  All 10 younger than 18.  They range in age from 11 to 17.  Four of the kids, two 13-year-old boys, a 12-year-old boy, and a 14-year-old boy, were all flown to Children’s Healthcare in Atlanta where they are listed in critical condition.  An 11-year-old was also taken to a hospital but has non-life threatening injuries.  Three more boys, ages 12, 13, and 14, were taken to the youth detention center and charged with theft by receiving stolen property and entering auto.  The driver was taken to the Bibb County jail and charged with theft by receiving stolen property-auto.  Orrin:  I’m not sure where to start on this one. How about the 17-year-old driver.  Is he the neighborhood “mentor” that other kids look up to?  Sounds like he was only concerned about his own skin when he fled police leaving his pack to fend for themselves.  Now, four of those boys are fighting for their lives.  All will face the justice system and they aren’t even 18!  How many families are represented here?  How much sadness comes from this “adventure into the night?”  As I often ask, what brought these kids to such a horrific moment?  So many questions to ask but this incident, like thousands of others, will escape public scrutiny and these children will be added to the justice system roles. What will happen to them as a result of their stupidity?  Will the four in the hospital survive to even face justice?  Will others in the group go on to be repeat criminals?  Can any be rehabilitated?  I want to believe the answer to that last question is yes.  With proper interventions and loving, protecting, nurturing adults in their lives, these children will learn from this horrific mistake… there are consequences for every action. So sad. 

Three teens felled by gunfire, two dead   –  Gunfire broke out at 12:30 a.m. at a southwest Atlanta apartment complex leaving two youngsters dead and one in stable condition at the hospital.  The dead were 13 with one dying the day he was turning 14.  The other wounded boy is 12.  Police do not have a motive yet but gang activity is possible. They are searching for a suspect.  Orrin: I am literally sick to my stomach over this.  These are children!  What has happened, is happening in our communities that set something like this up? Where were the safety nets to prevent something like this?  I was struck by this report from WAGA-TV: The reporter talked with a cousin of one of the dead 13-years-old. “He loved to ride bikes and be outside. He and his friends would ride bikes all around the neighborhood, go to the park, and play basketball all the time.” Yes, this is what children are supposed to do but not be out at some gathering in the area at 12:30 in the morning.  Stop this madness!  I need to take my chessboards to Oakland City before we lose another precious young life. 

Teens arrested for robbery, murder  –  Three teens identified as “16-years-old and younger” were arrested in Gwinnett County for the robbery and murder of another 16-year-old.  The incident happened at an apartment complex when police say the group attacked the driver of a car that then smashed into another car before coming to rest against a tree. Officers retrieved weapons from the victim’s car and believe that was the motive of the attack.  All face a variety of murder and robbery charges.  Orrin:  16-years-old… let that sink in.  This is a worst-case scenario.  A life taken, other lives lost through incarceration.  Think of the families involved.  One mourning, the others facing the trauma of their children – yes, I consider 16-year-old kids as children – going through the court system and taken away from them to pay for their crimes.  Heartbreak!  What were these children thinking?  They weren’t and that’s why they are now paying the price for their actions.  I teach kids to think. Period.  You will not find a ‘Be Someone’ student in a local courtroom! 

Three teens found guilty of murdering star high school football player – The murder happened two years ago but the trial and convictions have now resulted in life sentences for two of the three perpetrators. The three apparently exchanged text messages that they wanted to find someone to rob.  It appears the 17-year-old star football ball player at Jefferson High School (Jackson County), was in the wrong place at the wrong time.  During the attempted robbery that took place in Cobb County, the victim was shot and later died. One of the murderers was 18 at the time of the shooting.  The two others were 19.  One 19-year-old was sentenced to life with the possibility of parole plus five years.  The 18-year-old was sentenced to life without parole.  The third member of the group is facing a malice murder charge and as of this report, has not been sentenced.  Orrin:  These guys were technically adults in age only.  They made a stupid decision that took the life of a young man with a great future.  Think of the heartache of his family and friends.  Now these three thugs, who apparently never were taught growing up that there are consequences for wrong moves, are going to prison, one for life without parole.  Imagine being a 21-year-old sitting in a prison cell knowing that is as good as it’s going to get.  I bet this fellow and his posse would like a do-over.  Sorry guys… do the crime, do the time.  Is that really that hard to understand? 

11-year-old arrested for a variety of crimes including burglary and weapons possession and use  –  Local police in Albuquerque, NM said they were disappointed in making such an arrest but had no choice for fear the crime spree of this child and other young boys would soon escalate.  The boys stole a car then used it on their crime spree even using it as a shooting platform as they roamed their turf.  Charges include aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, conspiracy, shooting at or from a motor vehicle, shooting into an occupied building, aggravated battery, criminal damage to property over $1,000, and conspiracy to commit a fourth-degree felony.  The police chief said, “We need to do something about the toxic mix of guns and social media.”  Orrin:  Pretty hefty rap sheet for an 11-year-old.  Can this child be rehabilitated?  Can the parents or guardians?  I want to say yes, I wish I would be the one to try.  First step, confiscate their phones and other devices. 

Teens beat couple out on date.  Pregnant woman loses her baby  –  Chicago police arrested two teens, a male and female, after a group they were in decided they didn’t like the looks of a well-dressed couple who had just left a downtown department store as part of their night out together.  They surrounded them then attacked.  The woman was thrown to the ground and her dress ripped.  Her husband was beaten before the teens had enough of their fun and fled.  Later at a hospital, the young woman miscarried.  Orrin:  What were these kids thinking?  Simple answer, they weren’t thinking.  Apparently no one in their lives has bothered to teach them how to use their minds for good instead of bad, nor have they taught them there are consequences for stupid moves.  This was a very stupid move. 

15-year-old student dies after falling ill at school; teen classmate arrested  –  A Dunwoody High School student collapsed at school and later died at the hospital.  According to the 15-year-old’s sister, she had been purchasing the drug Percocet, an opioid, from a fellow teen student.  That person has been charged with involuntary manslaughter.  Orrin:  A beautiful young lady dead just as she starts to experience life.  Couldn’t anyone see this coming?  No one could have interceded both in this child buying and using this drug and the other child selling? The answer is sadly obvious.  Over and over again, it’s a simple message that is not getting through… there are consequences for every action.  In this case, it was fatal. 

After-prom gathering ends when two teens shot, one killed –   The Columbus, GA community is mourning the loss of a 16-year-old just days away from his 17th birthday after he was shot at a local gas station after attending his high school prom.  He was a student athlete at Manchester High School and, according to local press reports, an all-around good kid.  The report also said kids had gathered at the station after the prom and were listening to music and dancing.  Apparently there was an altercation of some sort that resulted in two kids being shot, with one dying.  The search is on for the killer.  Orrin:  “Good kids” get in to trouble too.  We can’t watch our kids 24/7 but we must do our best to protect our greatest treasures.  I can’t fathom how this family is dealing with such a loss.  The proud father was shown posing with his son before the young man left for the prom, one of the happiest times in a young person’s life.  Why?  Who pulled the trigger? They ran.  They knew it was wrong but they will now face the consequences.  A promising teen taken from us.  My guess is another tough guy teen just forfeited his life as well. See the story below, it relates. 

Manchester High School football player murdered on eve of state championship football game  –  A local grandmother was contacted by the high school’s football coach who told her her grandson had been murdered after his lifeless body was discovered in a local street.  The teen should have been preparing for the big game, instead, he will soon be buried.  Orrin:  It’s just heartbreaking.  What was he doing out on the street putting himself in jeopardy? The grandmother was quoted as saying, “My baby, my baby gone.”  Why” How?  What is wrong with our culture?  Where was the proverbial “Village” for this young man?  I have not heard if the shooter has been caught.  This happened last December.  Can you imagine, two teens from the same school killed by gun violence in the space of 6 months!? Needless, senseless. 

Fitzgerald after-prom shooting, results in one death, three injuries  –  A 15-year-old girl was killed and three other teens wounded after attending their school’s recent prom.  A 15-year-old has been arrested and charged with felony murder and an assortment of other charges.  The three surviving teens are recovering from their wounds.  Orrin:  I am so tired of these stories.  Lives lost, lives changed forever, families devastated.  Why?  A 15-year-old with a gun and a chip on his or her shoulder is tragedy waiting to happen.  Could this have been prevented?  I say yes.  But it is too late now.  A “tough” kid may only now understand there are consequences for his stupid act. 

15-year-old shot at apartment complex  –  Police responded at 1:15 p.m. on a Wednesday school day to a report of a shooting and a young person wounded.  Police found a 15-year-old victim with a wound to the groin.  He was transported to the hospital where he was treated for non-life-threatening injuries. No suspects have been named.  This was the same apartment complex where an 18-year-old died and a 16-yearwere -old wounded in January.  Orrin:  My first question is, “What was this teen doing out of school where he belonged?”  This sounds like a dangerous place that needs help.  I know my chessboard could change some young lives.  I pray this 15-year-old recovers and makes smart decisions in the future. 

15-year-old drives recklessly through school zone  –  Macon police stopped a young driver after he passed cars in a school zone while a passenger hung out the pickup’s window.  They reported he was in possession of a learner’s permit.  Orrin: This may be a good example when people say a teenager’s brain is not fully developed.  Nowhere in this boy’s thought process was there a “Stop! Bad idea!” warning system.  I guess he can put off getting his real license for a while.  Let’s hope! There are consequences for every move. 

16-year-old Georgia girl killed in Florida knife attack  –  A 15-year-old boy has been charged with second degree murder after one of two girls he allegedly stabbed near an Orlando skating rink around 11 p.m. recently, died.  No one seems to know the motive other than a fight broke out resulting in the attack on the girls.  The second girl remains in critical condition.  Orrin: How sad.  A beautiful teen girl with a life to live, gone.  Another facing a long recuperation.  A 15-year-old facing a long time behind bars to think about what he did.  Here’s what sad looks like.  The girl’s mother held her as she died.  She said her child’s last word was, “Mom.”  She posted this later, “My baby was killed last night and I will never be the same… I am heartbroken.  I am stunned. I am shattered… Lord, give me the strength to keep living as I have another child to be strong for.  Life will never be the same.  This pain is unbearable,” she wrote. What more is there to add… how about this… the media report says other teens in the crowd filmed the attack and later posted it on line.  A local crime prevention advocate said this could have been prevented if someone had stepped up to calm the crowd.  Instead, they chose to videotape it for the chance at a viral video and instant fame… A 16-year-old shining star gone.  A 15-year-old’s life destroyed.  How could this happen? We’re broken.  How do we reach children like this before they make a fatal mistake? 

Two Kennesaw teens arrested for murder  –  Although the media report does not list the exact ages of the two suspects, the story does refer to them as teenagers.  There are few details in the killing of the 21-year-old victim near a Kennesaw elementary school.  The investigation continues.  Orrin:  I’m not sure what details matter when you have two teens squandering their life for what… anger? Drugs? Revenge? Whatever the motive, these two made a wrong decision that cost another man his life and may very well cost them their youthful freedom if a trial finds them guilty. Why?  I wish I could sit with them and ask that question and many more. 

16-year-old girl in critical condition after school fight –  A fight between teens outside a St. Louis high school has resulted in a critical brain injury to a 16-year-old female student.  A 15-year-old is in custody after video shows the assailant repeatedly slamming the injured girl’s head into the ground.  Hospital officials say they won’t fully know the extent of the  brain injury until she wakes up… if she wakes up.  Orrin: 15-years-old… there are no answers to the question, “Why?” for such violence.  There are no excuses for it.  Disagreements are a part of life.  Taking those disagreements to such violent extremes should not be.  I bet this 15-year-old would not be facing a possible murder charge (if the 16-year-old dies) if there was a “do over.”  Actions have consequences.  Once committed, “do overs” are rare. 

Juvenile charged with killing 15-year-old after basketball game  –  East Point police have made an arrest in the shooting of a 15-year-old boy after a game at Tr-Cities High School High School.  According to reports, a melee broke out in the school parking lot when someone pulled a gun and opened fire.  10th grade student Mario Bailey was killed and another teen wounded.  Orrin:  What a heart-breaking story.  Here’s what Mario’s mom said:  “My whole heart is gone… I can barely breathe.  I’m barely sleeping and barely eating.”  According to this mom, her son was on the right path.  He was a proud member of the school’s ROTC and had plans to join the military then attend college.  Dreams snuffed; hearts shattered by a stupid act from another teen who was never taught that there is a price to pay when you do something stupid.  He will now have a lot of time to think about making the wrong choice after that game.  Tough guy?  Stupid kid. 

16-year-old steals car, injures officer after chase  –  Rockdale County was the scene of a car theft and subsequent  chase  by local officers.  The thief led police on a chase on I-20 East before he decided he could actually get away by exiting on highway 138 in Conyers.  He hit a civilian auto before hitting police cruisers and injuring one officer.  He also sustained injuries.  Orrin:  Mistake one, stealing a car.  Mistake 2, fleeing.  Mistake 3, actually thinking he could evade capture. Sixteen!  I wish I could take a chess board into his hospital room and/or jail cell and teach him that every move he makes in life has a consequence.  My hope is the deep trouble he finds himself in now will result in the intervention necessary to save his life.  If not, chances are we’ll hear from him again down the road.  Sad! 

Four students shot at Atlanta’s Benjamin Mays High School  –  Four students were wounded when someone in a car opened fire at the end of classes when students were leaving the school.  The four were admitted to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Three people have been detained but not arrested; a 35-year-old woman, her 17-year-old daughter, and the woman’s son, no age disclosed.  Witnesses were still being questioned but there are reports of a parking lot altercation before shots rang out.  Orrin:  Don’t know what to say.  Was this a “get even for bullying” event? As of now there are few details and, is often the case, we might never know.  No matter what, it certainly was not an example from a parent on how to handle a dispute.  When emotions cloud proper decision making, most often, you lose.  There will be a penalty to pay if this person is proven to be involved. 

Arrest made in McEachern High School shooting  –  An argument in the parking lot of McEachern High School between a group of non-students ended in a shooting that wounded two people.  One 17-year-old has been arrested.  School was in session at the time of the shooting.  A search is underway for a second shooter.  Orrin:   Why were these young people wandering the street during school hours?  Why aren’t they students?  Why weren’t they working? So many questions.  The arrested teen has been charged with aggravated assault and possession of a firearm on school property.  I bet if you ask him now… would you rather be a student learning something worthwhile in a high school or facing criminal charges that could ruin your life, he might opt to open the books. Be Someone teaches there are consequences for actions. 

Two teens arrested in class for recent shootings  –  Two teens (exact ages not reported) were arrested in their Macon County High School for recent shootings (at least three) in the East Macon area.  They are facing multiple charges including aggravated assault.  Orrin:  On the positive side you could say, “Well, at least they were in school.”  If I could confront them, I would ask, “Why are you in trouble for discharging weapons?  Is that a game of some kind? You do realize such action is not in your best interest, right?  You do realize squaring off with someone could get you killed or maimed and change your life forever? No? What would it be like to face murder charges before your 20th birthday? Think about sitting in jail for the rest of your life.  Might make you shed a tear or two, right?  Tough questions.  Somebody better ask them before it’s too late. 

Three teen girls, 13 and 14, were arrested for fighting at their middle school  –  Rome Middle School was the scene when an early morning fight erupted in a hallway. School officials broke up the altercation but one girl escaped the grasp of the school resource officer.  He tackled her before she could reach her adversary to resume the melee.  She then kicked off the officer’s vest.   Other officers arrived to assist.  A relative of one of the girls thought it wise to insert herself in the altercation and attempted to disrupt the arrest.  She was also arrested and taken to the police station where at least one of the girls continued her ugly behavior by kicking and shouting in the interview room. Orrin:  A 13-year-old was charged with five felony counts of felony obstruction of an officer and one count of simple misdemeanor simple battery.  One 14-year-old was charged with felony interference with government property, five counts of felony obstruction of an officer and one count of misdemeanor simple battery.  The other 14-year-old was charged with misdemeanor obstruction of law enforcement officers. Thirteen and 14-year-old girls.  Let that sink in. After something like this, I always ask, “What were they thinking?”  My simple answer is always, “They weren’t.”  Now with felony charges pending and their families facing legal bills, they’ll have time to think about their poor choice.  Ladies, decisions have consequences.  Is this case, you and your embarrassed families have a big price to pay. 

Teen driver who killed grandmother, two children sentenced  –  He is 24 today but when he crashed his speeding car into the vehicle driven by a grandmother taking her two grandchildren to church, he was 16.  He finally got his day in court.  Better said, the family of the deceased finally got their day in court, eight years later.  A jury deliberated two hours and found the man guilty on all counts, including felony murder and other traffic charges. This 16-year-old was in a car he hijacked when police started their pursuit.  After the crash, he fled and was on the run in College Park for six years before police caught up to him.  Orrin:  Where do I start on this one.  This young fellow could serve as my poster child for “there are consequences for every move you make.”  Apparently, he thought there were none and no one would ever know if he just kept his mouth shut.  Sometimes the wheels of justice turn slowly but thank goodness, in this case, they turned and a young daughter/mother, can begin to heal as best she can.  This is so sad.  Three beautiful lives lost as well as the life of this kid who made a stupid decision who will now have plenty of time to think about that fateful day, he made a horrible choice.  I teach responsibility and making the right decisions. 

Two teens steal bright orange car from car lot  –  Two young men – one 19, the other 17 – expressed interest in purchasing a bright orange Dodge Challenger from a Gwinnett County used car lot.  The trusting proprietor gave them the keys.  After 30 minutes he went looking for the car, found it and tried to stop it.  They weren’t finished with their test drive so off they went.  Police were notified and didn’t take them long to spot the colorful vehicle.  They stopped the young criminals and treated them like… criminals.  Orrin:  OK, one was 19, adult in age only.  Was the 17-year-old introduced to crime willingly or unwillingly?  The court system will have to sort that out.  But the bad news is that this 17-year-old is in the court system instead of living the fun life of a teen. And you steal a bright orange car?  Really?  I know I could teach them to play chess and use their minds for good.  Bright orange hot car for a bright orange jail jump suit… not a good trade.   

Four teens wanted in vape shop robbery  –  Four teenagers, either gang members or forming their own quasi-gang, entered a Clayton County vape shop about 9:45 on a Sunday evening.  They were all dressed in black sweatpants, hoodie sweatshirts with face covering.  The  news report said before robbing the business they roughed up the clerk, hitting him several times in the face.  Three of the four participated in the beating while the fourth served as a lookout. Orrin:  Tough guys testing the criminal waters?  For fun or profit?  They reportedly ran off toward a nearby housing area after completing their deed.  Junior criminals. What’s next for these four.  My guess is they will continue until they do something stupid and get caught or worse.   My prayer is someone intervenes and stops these “kids” before they are standing in front of a judge or sharing a jail cell with someone much tougher and meaner than they are. 

17-year-old shot while breaking into a car – Although this teen apparently had a lot of practice breaking into cars, he failed in his latest attempt when a victim took matters into his own hands and shot the young perpetrator in southwest Atlanta then drove off leaving him to die.  At last report, the 17-year-old was in critical condition  at a local hospital.  Police say he was wanted on multiple auto theft warrants. Orrin: Here is a young person who has a criminal history.  Couldn’t someone have stopped him along this path?  Couldn’t someone have made a difference that would have kept him out of a hospital fighting for his life because of a stupid decision? 

Teens arrested quickly after crime spree  –  Three teenagers, 17, 16, and 15, were arrested quickly by Brookhaven police officers who credited their own police work, cooperation from citizens, and the use of technology (drone) to track down the culprits.  After breaking into multiple cars in the area the three sped away in a stolen car.  After crashing it into a tree, the three set sail on foot.  One was arrested in a parking garage.  The other two attempted to elude police by running out the emergency exit of a grocery store then finding refuge in a dumpster.  One of the culprits decided to peek out to see if the coast was clear.  It wasn’t and the other two were apprehended.  The two youngest have been charged as juveniles.  The 17-year-old faces charges as an adult.  Orrin:  Do you think any of these kids ever thought there might be consequences for breaking multiple laws?  They apparently knew what they did was wrong… why else would they run and hide?  My hope is the 15 and 16-year-old kids can learn from this horrible mistake and learn to use their minds for good.  The 17-year-old is going to have a tougher time as an adult criminal.  Do you think he feels like a big shot now?  Do you think the two younger kids still look up to him as a role model? 

Three high school students overdose at school  –  Gwinnett County’s Berkmar High school was the scene recently when three female students overdosed on fentanyl.  Few details were released except that the girls’ lives were perhaps saved by the administration of Narcan which had just been introduced in the school system. Orrin:  First question, why? Next… were these separate or did the girls do this together?  Not sure we’ll ever know but it does beg another question… how did we all survive the adolescent mind?  Did they think this was cool and it would increase their stature among their peers?  Was it an act of desperation? Calls for help?  My point here is we must combat the onslaught of nastiness directed at our young people that might introduce them to destructive thought processes dressed in shiny cloth.  YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and many others feed our kids a steady stream of garbage. Are you looking for an alternative for your kids?  Come see me.  I have a chessboard waiting just for you!   

Upperclassman attacks, robs 9th grader  –  A senior football player decided he wanted a ninth grader’s phone so he beat the young student with a metal pipe of some sort and stole the phone.  Maybe he thought that was allowed since he was a senior and played football.  Wrong.  He was charged with aggravated assault, robbery, and criminal damage to property.  The school suspended him but the school board overruled the suspension and allowed him to return to school, the scene of the crime.  His bond said, “Stay away from any location where the victim is a student.” Orrin: What was this kid thinking when he attacked a student at least three years younger?  Answer… nothing, he wanted the phone. I don’t know how good of a football player he is but I doubt too many colleges will be lining up to offer scholarships.  It was a dumb move and now he has a police record.  And why did the school board allow him back in the school where the victim is a student?  Good question!  I wish I knew. 

Brawl at Henry County High School  –  Twelve students have been accused of a variety of charges because they thought it would be OK to start a fight in the school hallway between classes.  There was no information about what started the fight but apparently it doesn’t take much to light things up at this particular school.  A student told a reporter this really wasn’t unusual.  “It’s pretty normal for this school.  To be honest, there are always fights here.”  Orrin:  How would you like to be a parent with a child here?  If the quote is true, you must ask why there are daily disruptions? Are there no penalties?  Are parents not held accountable?  How can responsible students learn when they are surrounded by irresponsible students who have not been taught right from wrong then  held accountable when they make the wrong decision?  Here is a depressing statistic that accompanied this article:  “Nationwide, a survey from the National Center for Education Statistics found that 42% of schools said they saw an increase in school fights since the pandemic.” That that sink in.  I guess we can blame it on that as opposed to teaching young people right from wrong, responsible  behavior, and there are consequences for their wrong decisions.   

Teen murder suspect sought by police  –  A 17-year-old from Griffin is being sought after the shooting death of a 14-year-old following the football game between rivals Griffin and Spalding County High Schools.  The two apparently were acquainted with each other. Police have warned the community anyone assisting the fugitive will be arrested.  Orrin: There are few details about this but one thing is clear, the suspect now knows he did something very wrong.  Reports are circulating he has altered his appearance so he will not be recognized on the street and apprehended.  Too bad he didn’t realize he was about to make a bad move before he pulled that trigger. 

Four teens shot while walking to school  –  Savannah police have few suspects in what appears to have been a drive-by shooting aimed at four students as they walked to their high school at 8:30 on a recent morning.  One of the students was seriously wounded when hit in the leg. Orrin:  A drive-by at 8:30 near a high school?  As I often say incredulously, “Come on, man!” I’m only guessing the shooters were fellow teens with a score to settle.  Isn’t this the way they do things in the movies? Hey chumps, here’s my message:  This is real life and when you make a wrong move on this set, there are no “Take 2s.” One and you’re done and when you are caught you will realize you chose the wrong starring role. 

17-year-old girl dies after overdose from fake Oxycodone  –  A Conyers teen street purchased what she thought was the drug Oxycodone and expected a pleasant high.  Her expectations and her life ended there when she overdosed on the drug that was masked to look like what she thought she was getting.  Medics were summoned at 8:30 on a Sunday morning.  They could not save her.  Two young adults have been arrested for selling the potent drugs.  Orrin: So many questions here.  First, how did she get herself in a position to rely on drugs to fulfill her life?  Were there people in her life that led her to her last moments?  We’ll never know but we do know this.  She needed something to fill her emptiness.  Her choice was fatal.  It didn’t have to be this way. 

Five teenagers killed in horrific Gwinnett County crash  –  Five teens ranging in age from 16 to 19 died in an early morning crash where Highway 319 joins I-85 in Gwinnett County.  The driver apparently lost control and the car went over the wall and landed on another car below.  All five young people were in the car that went over the rail.  Others involved in the car below were injured but not fatally.  The accident reportedly occurred at 3:30 a.m.  Three of the victims attended Lakeside High School in DeKalb County.  Orrin: My first question is this… 3:30 a.m.?  Yes, two of these teens were adults by age. The other three were 16 and 17.  Did their parents/guardians know they were out with older people in the wee hours of the morning?  I can only imagine the grief of the families involved.  And what about the students at Lakeside High School?  Will this serve as a lesson to them that there are consequences for their actions?  In this case, the decision to be out well past midnight was fatal.  I will now consider a lesson in responsible driving added to my classes.  Regrettably, these young people made a wrong move that cost them their lives. 

16-year-old dies after attempting to flee police  –  Bibb County police report the death of a 16-year-old driver who attempted to flee after being spotted stealing a car at a gas station.  During the pursuit, police said the driver attempted to ram their cruisers.  After performing a pit maneuver, the driver lost control and flipped the car into a power pole.  He died of his juries.  A 15-year-old passenger was injured but is expected to recover.  Orrin:  My goodness… a 16 and 15 year old… children with full lives ahead.  One will never realize his potential.  The other will carry the scars throughout a lifetime.  I would love to have the details on this story and all the others listed here but we usually only get headlines then wait for the next sad story to push this one out of our memory.  But, a 16-year-old, a new driver by law, thinks he can outrun police in a car he just stole?  It makes me want to cry, literally.  May this be an example to other teens who consider themselves invincible.  You are not! 

17-year-old kills K9 officer before being killed by police – This sad story comes from Clayton County.  A 17-year-old teen was being pursued by police for unknown crimes.  He was armed and fled into a wooded area near a heavily traveled thoroughfare near Jonesboro.  Officers released the K9 deputy in pursuit.  The suspect shot the dog that later died at the animal hospital.  The young man was tracked to the rear of a nearby gas station where he was said to have shot at the pursuing police. Return fire from the officers killed him. Orrin:  When I saw the 17-year-old’s mug shot I was immediately taken by the cold, hard look on his face.  Why?  Why was he so angry?  What had happened to him in his young life that brought him to this end?  Could he have been saved? Was there a possible intervention that might have changed his course?  Could I have saved him if I had had the chance?  We’ll never know. 

Teen in critical condition after being shot while breaking into cars – A group of juveniles in South Fulton County decided to break into cars.  One homeowner was waiting.  He confronted a 16-year-old who was armed and fired at the citizen  intent on protecting his and other’s property.  He returned fire and struck the teen in the head. The teen is in a local hospital in critical condition. If he survives, he will have to face multiple charges.  Orrin:  Talk about a consequence for an action!  I can imagine this group of teens talking about their late-night plan to take what did not belong to them. Did they think for a minute they might have to pay a price for their criminal activity?  They should have been talking about doing something good but some thing(s) steered them wrong.  It breaks my heart. 16-years-old.  Will he physically recover from his mistake?  If he does what will the justice system do to him?  And what about his accomplices?  Will they return to street crime?  Where were the adults in the lives of this child, these children.  They failed their kids.  They failed us. 

16-year-old dies in restaurant parking lot after dispute over sauce – A group of girls was out well after midnight in the Washington D.C. area.  They decided to stop at a McDonald’s for a late snack.   They started arguing over sauce for their chicken meal. One of the girls pulled a knife and attacked, hoping to settle the argument her way. She did.  The knife pierced the young lady’s chest and abdomen.  Orrin:  We have enough sad stories in our own community but this one resonated with me.  The article said it was after 2 a.m.  How in heaven’s name did this group of girls get on the street at that hour.  Were any adults in their lives out looking for them?  Or were they fast asleep at home unaware of the tragedy that was a phone call away?  In my opinion, little good happens after midnight.  The attacker….. zero thought process.  “Don’t dis me!”’ I can hear her saying.  Two lives lost.  The 16-year-old killed and the other teen facing years behind bars for her act.  Why? How?  Can this carnage ever be stopped?  This is why I do what I do at Be Someone Inc.  Saving young lives, one child, one move at a time. 

High school senior may never walk again after attempted robbery –  “Friday night lights”  turned violent for a high school senior when he was accosted in the parking lot of Tara Stadium after the Jonesboro, Mt. Zion football game.  Police believe the motive was robbery but the shooter fled empty-handed after firing three shots.  One of the bullets lodged against the victim’s spine and doctors are not sure whether the young man will walk again.  As of this posting, a suspect has not been arrested.  Orrin:  Although I don’t know it for a fact, I’m guessing the perpetrator was another teen feeling like a tough guy toting heat.  I can only pray authorities find and arrest the thug who now faces a lifetime to deal with his crime.  My heart goes out to the teen who is facing an uncertain future thanks to another young person who was without a thought process.  I teach “brains before bullets” in every class. This was a senseless act that now has the coward hiding from authorities.  I guess that’s proof he actually realizes he did something wrong and now is in deep trouble. Too bad he didn’t think about that before pulling the trigger.  I hope to update this story soon with arrest news. 

Students cause panic by rushing out of stands at Friday football game  –  Students on both sides of the field at halftime of the Gwinnett Central, Discovery High School football game started inexplicably rushing out of the stands and running.  Witnesses said there seemed to be no reason for the act that resulted in some people being trampled in the exodus.  There was no gunfire reported.  There is some evidence that a Tik Tok challenge was the culprit.  The stands were emptied for the rest of the game thus ruining the evening for attendees. Orrin: Pretty sad when you can’t attend a high school football game anymore without fear that something nefarious might happen.  Social media is a scourge released on our young people.  Although I don’t know for certain, it is certainly believable kids in the stands could have succumbed to such a challenge to be “cool.” It wouldn’t have been the first time. Luckily, no one was reported seriously hurt.  I teach responsibility underlined by a thought process that creates winners who know how to be responsible and use their mind for good.   

Young driver pays for his showboating  –  Although no age was released, the video shows a young male being dragged from his pickup truck by a state patrolman after the driver executed some doughnuts amid a crowd of young people gathered at the corner of 17th Street and Northside Drive on a Sunday afternoon.  When he spotted the trooper, he fled, striking, and injuring at least one bystander.  The officer was not playing games.  He chased the truck and stopped him with a perfectly executed pit maneuver and with service revolved drawn jumped on the hood of his cruiser and forced the young man out and immediately cuffed him.  Orrin:  Talking about suffering an immediate consequence for a stupid decision!  This young person no doubt went from being king of the road (in his own immature mind) to being an embarrassing example for other young people making similar dumb moves.  Over and over again I teach young people, there is a consequence for every decision they make.  I would like to show this video over and over again in my classes.  He was lucky he didn’t kill someone.  His beautiful pickup now has damage and is no doubt in the Atlanta police impoundment lot. 

12-year-old girl severely burned in TikTok challenge – An Atlanta child was severely burned when she tried to duplicate a social media challenge by igniting a substance on her skin then extinguishing it before it injured her.  She never had a chance when the flames immediately overwhelmed her. Her sister probably saved her life by smothering the flames but in the process she also suffered third degree burns.  The 12-year-old faces a long and painful recovery.  Orrin:  Social media can be fun but for impressionable children lacking a developed thought process, it can be injurious, even deadly.  This is what the life-saving sister said:   children’s social media activity and staying informed about the latest online trends.  “Just don’t do everything you see on there… it’s not funny. It’s not cute. And it is so dangerous and scary. And it can really change your life.”  The mother speaks for me when she emphasizes the importance of monitoring children’s social media activity and staying informed about the latest online trends. “I had never heard of the fire challenge before this incident, and I wish I was more aware.”  I always warn my students about the hazards of social media and that they can always make the right choice if they think ahead. 

Thousands of teens riot in New York City – Driven by the promise of free video game players by a social media influencer, thousands of teens descended on New York’s Union Square.  When they discovered there was no give away, they rioted and fought with the police.  Orrin:  I’m not sure what to say about something like this.  Number one, I am bothered by so many youngsters having nothing better to do than go off in search of free stuff.  Then they disrespect people and property by becoming lawless.  They show disrespect to law and order and authority by attacking police.  Every one of these “kids” should have a primary teacher in their lives.  Did they face consequences for their actions when they got home or are they poised for the next opportunity to cause mayhem?  Sadly, too many young people have not been taught responsibility and respect. You don’t have to go to New York to find them. People better wake up before we lose a generation of children who seem to be falling to the dangers of avarice and simple pleasures. Every time I open a new class, I look at my students and remind myself that they are our future.  I’ll bet on these kids any day as opposed to the ones who thought it was cool to run wild on New York City streets. 

12-year-old arrested for car break-ins – Griffin police weren’t looking for a child when they were faced with the break-ins of 84 cars across the city.  But when they saw the video provided by one business that had several thefts, they knew who they were looking for.  It wasn’t long before they arrested a 12-year-old male for the crime wave.  Local residents were saddened and questioned the child’s home life and background that may have contributed to such destructive behavior even before his teen years.  Orrin:  I saw where a community pastor was offering to mentor this boy in an attempt to salvage his life.  I pray he is able to reach him.  This is the type youngster I especially want to mentor before it is too.  He should have been behind one of my chess boards and not wandering the streets causing mayhem. 

12-year-old driving stolen car causes 4-vehicle accident – This comes from Augusta.  A 12-year-old child thought it would be cool to take a drive in a stolen car.  No indication in the story if he stole the car or had access to it.  Children are not issued licenses for a reason.  Number one, they probably can’t see over the steering wheel.  Number 2, they have no idea how to control a piece of machinery that if misused becomes a weapon.  Several motorists going about their day fell victim to this youngster who should have been playing with friends on a playground. Luckily, no one was injured. Orrin:  I hardly know what to say other than how did this child get here?  Who was responsible for him? How did he develop a thought process that did not include paying a price for doing the wrong thing. I only wish I could reach this and every child like him.  You can Be Someone if you act responsibly BUT someone has to teach you the meaning and value of responsibility. 

14-year-old grazed in head by drive-by shooting  –  This event took place in DeKalb County.  The young person was outside when a car sped by and opened fire.  At this posting, no one has been arrested.  Orrin:  Once again we are left with a lot of questions.  What led up to this? Were these his “friends” trying to settle a score?  Who would do such a thing?  Immature or evil minds? Both?  With no thought of consequences…  This 14-year-old better be on his knees thanking God for his survival. I have a seat reserved for him in my next class. 

16-year-old boy and killed while working at DeKalb restaurant – Apparently a “dispute” between acquaintances led to gunfire at a Lithonia I-Hop restaurant while the victim was there working.  The dead teenager was shot in the head.  Update: Another 16-year-old turned himself into the police for the crime.  Orrin:  My first thought was here is a young fellow trying to do the right thing, working to make some money.  I wonder about the “acquaintance” who shot and killed the boy and the nature of their relationship. He has now confessed. 16-year-old facing a life of incarceration. Plenty of time to think about the second it took to pull that trigger taking two lives, the other boy and his own.  I’m pretty sure this child would rather be sitting in my classroom learning to play chess instead of looking at years behind bars. Unfortunately, many young people learn lessons the hard way, by committing senseless crimes. 

Teen driver intentionally runs over woman at Cumberland Mall.  Kills her. Flees scene.  –  An 18-year-old female ran over a woman in the Cumberland Mall parking lot then sped off leaving the injured woman on the ground.  The woman was taken to a nearby hospital where she died.  The young driver is now facing charges of murder in the commission of a felony and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.  The dead woman was 25-years-old.  Hudson:  I have several 18-year-old students.  They know the difference between right and wrong.  They know there are consequences for every move they make.  This young woman because of her actions has destroyed two lives, the deceased and her own.  And she has learned, “there are no do overs.” I only wish she had been one of my students. 

Group of teens enter Walmart, light fireworks  –  This story is from Lee County.  A group of teens apparently traveling in two different cars met at Walmart, entered the store, took fireworks off the shelves, lit them, then ran. Authorities are searching for them.  At least five were involved. Hudson:  The five kids probably got a lot of laughs out of their dangerous prank.  They were extremely lucky.  Some of the fireworks ignited and, according to witnesses, shot to the ceiling.  Smoke caused the store to be evacuated.  Do you think they ever asked themselves the “what if” questions. What if the store catches fire? What if someone is injured or worse? What if we get caught?  Hopefully, they will get caught and are taught a valuable lesson, stupidity comes with its own set of rewards. 

17-year-old, three 16-year-olds arrested for break-ins after high-speed chase – Coweta County police arrested three teens after pursuing them in a high-speed chase that reached 130 mph and ended with a cruiser slamming into the fleeing car. One of the teens suffered a broken leg. The four were suspected of breaking into at least 50 cars in the county since the first of the week.  The oldest teen who was driving the car, just turned 16 last month.  Other jurisdictions are interested in talking to the suspects about car break-ins in their areas.  Hudson:  Instead of hanging out at the pool with friends this summer, these guys are facing a laundry list of criminal charges that will haunt them well into the future.  They thought what they were doing was both fun and profitable.  Wrong choice fellas.  Simple question, what were you thinking?  Did you once think what would happen if you got caught breaking the law?  

16-year-old partners with adult in robberies –  Lawrenceville police arrested a 23-year-old and a 16-year-old old for burglaries at two area gun stores.  Police were called to one store after a 4 a.m. forced entry.  Arrests came the next day when the pair attempted to rob a Duluth gun store.  The teen was connected to the first robbery because he was carrying a gun taken from the store.  Police have not linked the adult to the first robbery. The 16-year-old is now facing 2nd degree burglary, possession of a firearm by a minor, and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony.  Hudson: Imagine being 16 and facing felony charges.  I have several 16-year-old students using the game of chess to help them succeed in life.  I only wish this young man had been one of them. 

15-year-old charged with murder of 16-year-old at MARTA station – A 15-year-old boy is behind bars for a shooting his mother says was not his fault.  According to the woman, her son was being tormented and beaten by an 18- and 16-year-old. The younger child pulled a gun but according to his mother, didn’t intend or expect it to discharge.  It did and resulted in the 16-year-old’s death.  Hudson: His mom has come to his defense.  He’s going to need more than her. She says she didn’t know he had a gun and had cautioned against guns.  She also said the older youngster had been tormenting her son at school and confronted him again at the MARTA station where the 15-year-old was on his way to his job at McDonald’s.  So sad.  Guns and kids don’t mix.  The courts will sort this one out, not mom.  Two wrongs appear here.  First, punks bullying  someone and second, that someone armed with a deadly weapon. 

15-year-old arrested after deadly Conyers hotel parking lot shooting  –  A 15-year-old boy faces murder charges in the death of a 33-year-old man who was shot while sitting in his truck at a local motel.  Police are looking for a 17-year-old accomplice.  There are no details on what precipitated the gunfire.  A woman on the scene shortly after the shooting told local media she’s “fed up with gun violence on the streets.”  Hudson: Another 15-year-old making a stupid decision that will follow him his entire life. Why?  I agree with the bystander, we are all tired of this senseless street mayhem.  We must reach these children – and I consider a 15-year-old a child – before they ruin lives, not the least, their own. 

15-year-old pleads guilty to killing man during a carjacking outside a Walmart  –  This one happened outside a Walmart back in July 2021 in Houston County south of Macon. The teenager had a 22-year-old accomplice.  They confronted a man just sitting in his car and after pointing a gun, demanded the vehicle.  The victim struggled with the robber holding the weapon; the 15-year-old!  It discharged.  Both have been sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole. Hudson: This kid should be finishing high school right now, maybe playing on the football team, choosing a tux for the school prom.  Instead, he’ll be wearing a bright orange jump suit for a very long time and missing his mamma’s and grandmamma’s cooking.  But the family of the man killed has no hope of ever seeing him again.  Every move has a result.  Senseless act.  I teach kids to think before they make the wrong move, before it’s too late.  In this case, it was too late. 

12 and 6-year-old children rob woman of cell phone  –  Let’s move north to Charlotte.  Just think of this.  When you see these reports, clearly understand, similar acts are happening in almost every city across the country on a daily basis.  It is hard to comprehend.  A woman had finished her night shift and was walking to her car in a parking lot of a local business.  The younger boy saw her and asked if he could use her cell phone to call his mom.  The kindhearted soul turned it over and off he ran.  She chased him only to be confronted by the 15-year-old pointing a pistol at her.  It turned out to be a BB gun easily confused by a terrified victim as a lethal weapon.  Police were called and found the boys and arrested the 12-year-old and charged him with armed robbery and destruction of property.  The police are investigating the 6-year-old as a possible victim considering his age.  Hudson: A 12-year-old with an armed robbery record.  Does that make you cry?  It should. Can he turn his life around or is he destined to fall even deeper?  The story does not say if the boys are related and it does not tell us what their home life is like.  I do know this.  I am confident if I had both these boys behind  my chess boards, there would have been positive outcomes and instead of looking at juvenile jail time, this youngster would have been planning his next positive more… playing basketball with friends, making good grades, helping his family at home. 

Multiple shooting deaths of teens plague Georgia  –  Quoting WSB TV web site:  “Three Georgia teens were shot and killed May 22, adding to the devastating toll of at least 28 teenagers and children across the state who have been shot and killed just this year.”  The individual stories don’t tell the misery and human suffering of those left behind to deal with the loss and to try to better understand it all.  These stories cover the state and are all heartbreaking.  Here is one of special note and sadness:  “A 14-year-old boy walking down the street with his bookbag was shot and killed after school in Columbus.  A witness said the young boy tried to run to safety but collapsed.  A good Samaritan picked him up and took him to a fire station where he died.”  Hudson: I could literally fill a page detailing these many shootings.  I don’t have to because you get the picture.  Here are the ages of the last several:  18, 14, 16, 17, 15 18. Even 11 when he was killed sleeping in his own bed shot by an adult fool who opened fire outside the house in suspected gang activity.  Tough guy.  Killer of an 11-year-old boy guilty of the crime of sleeping in his own bed. When I look at many of these, I see they happened late at night and often involved groups with adults and gang activity. This is so tragic and senseless.  Can we stop the carnage and waste in  our communities?  I’m not sure because it is  out of control.  One grandmother was quoted in talking about the loss of her grandson in Fayette County. “A sweet, kind-hearted person.  His heart is so pure, that’s all I know about my grandson.” I cry for this grandmother who will never experience that “pure heart” again except by looking at a faded photo. He was shot and killed on the street after 11 p.m.  Do you know your own children? What would you say about them if you lost them to gun violence? Sweet? Kind? Loving? Would help anyone?  The problem is bullets, fired by the hand of an evil person, do not recognize sweetness, kindness, and loving hearts.  They kill indiscriminately.  Act now to stop the loss of someone you cherish.  Brains before bullets, 

Juvenile steals cars from body shop  – A Troup County juvenile was arrested after police determined he was responsible for stealing three cars under repair at a local body shop.  The youngster entered the premises in the very early morning hours and gained access to the lock box containing all the vehicles’ keys.  He then stole three before police arrested him driving one of the cars not far from the business.  Hudson:  We don’t know the age of this culprit beyond the police description of a “juvenile.”  But that means he was under 18.  What was he doing prowling around when most people are home asleep?  What is his home-life like?  Could this “child” be a force for good with proper instruction and intervention?  He made a very poor decision to break in followed by an even worse decision to steal the vehicles.  Do you think he learned there is a consequence (a police record) for every action, albeit too late?  My focus is teaching kids how to make the right moves the first time. 

Group of kids gang up on 13-year-old in community park – A Gwinnett County Park was the scene of a terrifying act for a 13-year-old boy.  Reports say he was in the park near his home when a group of kids confronted him.  One of the aggressors had an airsoft gun which looks like a real gun.  The group taunted and verbally threatened him, made him say words he didn’t want to say, then punched him in the face resulting in a blackeye. Luckily the boy was able to break away and get home where his mom took him to the hospital to be checked out.  The event was dutifully recorded on social media allowing police to make two arrests.  Hudson: My hope is the two arrests lead to the arrests of other kids who got caught up in this “adventure.” “Pack acts” often end in tragedy.  If nothing else, hopefully, the parents of these kids will be informed and appropriate action taken there… like used to happen.  How many of these kids would want to be the boy singled out for such aggressive acts.  None! Why was he singled out?  Looked different? Acted different? Was not “from here”? There is never an excuse for bullying. These children – and they are children – must  be taught there are consequences for wrong decisions and what they did in that park was wrong! 

High school brawl results in stabbing of student – The school day routine at a Henry County high school was shattered when a fight broke out between two students.  One of the fighters pulled a knife injuring the other.  The fight caused a wild scene before administrators could restore order.  Hudson: Just stop and think a bit about the decision at least one of these students made… to start a fight in the hallway at school…. Like maybe I will pay a price for this decision… disrupting the school day.  I know most students at this school and others just want to attend in peace and learn and enjoy each other’s company.  But there’s a minority who are filled with youthful bravado and think these type acts give them star status.  Once again, someone pulled out a cell phone and raced to their own stardom by posting on social media. The upside to that… maybe that video will help bring charges against the student(s) and it will be a defining moment (positive) in their lives… “Next time I will think before I act.” 

16-year-old shot at motel after midnight  –  Atlanta police are investigating the shooting of a 16-year-old male at an Atlanta motel just after midnight. He was taken to a hospital where his wounds are not believed to be life threatening. There are no suspects and few details but police report there were other occupants in the room who are being interviewed.  Hudson:  We don’t know all the details but when a 16-year-old is shot in a motel room after midnight on a school night with other occupants in the room, it’s easy to jump to conclusions.  So let’s leave it at this, 16 is a minor.  Who had responsibility for him?  Let’s pray this incident turns this young person around.  The next time he might not be as fortunate. 

13-year-old arrested for murder – The family of a 13-year-old boy tuned him into the LaGrange police after he was accused of shooting and killing a 20-year-old man Easter Sunday.  Hudson: Can you imagine walking into the local police station to turn in your child on a suspected murder charge? Children and guns do not mix.  I consider a 13-year-old a child.  There aren’t many details around this case but so many questions come to mind.  How did he get a gun? Why did he have a gun? Why was he with the older man? Easter Sunday…. One possible alternative was to be in church with his family.  In less than 10 minutes, this child took a like and lost his own. What was he thinking?  My guess is… he wasn’t beyond the barrel of his gun. 

Three teens arrested in death of driver after thrown rock kills her on way home from work  –  Three high school seniors  were arrested after what they thought would be a fun experience resulted in the death of a 20-year-old woman at 10:45 on a recent night.  The three are charged with launching rocks from their moving vehicle.  Besides the victim, six other cars were damaged and one other person was injured.   Hudson: This took place in Colorado but similar events have happened here and are worth reporting. Thought process? Were these three so bored they thought throwing rocks at moving vehicles from their moving vehicle would be a cool way to spend the evening?  Did they ever think someone could be hurt? Die?  Did they ever think there might just be a consequence for their acts? Did they laugh and shout when their missiles connected?  Someone lost a beautiful daughter and friend because of  their senseless acts.  Yet again, this underlines the value of smart choices.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Young man tries to steal gun off victim’s hip; ends up killing him in struggle for the weapon  –  Whether the criminal saw the holstered gun on a man’s hip before he entered a convenience store or noticed it while in line behind him, we aren’t sure.  But the 18-year-old man took a chance and grabbed the weapon and left the store with the victim in pursuit.  A struggle ensued and the weapon fired striking the armed citizen.  The 18-year-old’s accomplice in a car jumped out and also opened fire.  The victim later died at a local hospital.  Hudson:  I usually pay more attention to the younger kids but this story and the following one caught my eye.  Yes, this guy is 18 and an adult but how did he get here?  What was on his mind when he saw the opportunity to snatch the gun and run to a waiting car?  You think he once thought “what happens if the guy gives chase? What happens if there’s a fight for the gun? What happens if I get hurt or killed?”  I do know this, he’ll have plenty of time behind bars to contemplate his fatal error.  What was he like at 14?  Sixteen?  Did he have a record or did he act impulsively when he grabbed the gun?  At least two families are grieving because of this man-child’s stupidity; his and the family of the law-abiding citizen. So sad. 

Prank sends 9-1-1 caller to jail – Maybe she thought it would be both fun and exciting but an 18-year-old woman summoned the police to a McDonald’s restaurant claiming a disgruntled customer was holding workers and customers – including children – at gun point.  When the first responders arrived at the restaurant, they found all was well and there had not been any confrontations.  The call was a dangerous hoax.  Without too much trouble, they found the culprit and charged her with a variety of crimes.  Hudson:  Another 18-year-old making a stupid decision.  Maybe she felt important calling the police.  Maybe she wanted the rush of the responding officers (“I caused this!”).  Maybe she was going to post the cops arriving with lights flashing then post on Tik Tok… instant fame? I can’t figure it out but again I find myself asking: Did she once think this grand scheme would succeed?  Do you think she ever thought, “What happens if I get caught. What happens if someone gets hurt during the police response?”  Let me say it slowly and clearly… There are consequences for every move we make. I bet she would like a “do-over.”  Maybe her lawyer can win some leniency… maybe not. 

Fight in school cafeteria ends in injuries to one, arrest to another – A dispute between two middle school girls in Henry County culminated in a physical altercation.  One of the girls was slashed by a sharp object of some kind under her eye resulting in transport to the hospital.  The girl causing the injury was arrested by officers.  Hudson:  What would you blame this on?  Immaturity? Impulsiveness? An inability to deal with reality?  Here is the reality this young person – maybe both – faces… a criminal record, possible monetary restitution, peer rejection (hopefully).  When she gets home and looks in the mirror, will be she be pleased with what she sees?  Will she have regrets?  Will she realize she brought shame on herself and family? We can only guess. Before she made the decision to commit a violent act in a very public place, do you think she ever considered consequences she might face?  At Be Someone Inc. we teach “make your next move your best move.” This is so sad. 

Four teens, one a high school football player, arrested in shooting deaths – This is the worst kind of story because it is the worst kind of mistake.  Two young people died and seven others injured and four youngsters who should be looking at successful and exciting futures could be facing long prison terms.  This crime comes from Douglas County. A 14-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy were killed when gunfire broke out in what authorities described as gang-related violence at a “Sweet 16 Party” that drew more than 100 teens to the Douglasville home.  The two victims were called innocent bystanders.  Those arrested included three 17-years-old and an 18-year-old.  Hudson:  This is what I would like to say to these four who will get their day in court, “Hey tough guys!  What were you trying to prove?  Did you once think someone might get  hurt because of  my actions?  Did you once think I might get in trouble for my actions? You could wake up tomorrow preparing to go to school to make something of yourself.  Instead, this is what you have been charged with:  “two counts of mass murder, nine counts of aggravated assault, and seven counts of aggravated battery. Other charges are pending including participation in gang activity.” Lives lost.  Lives thrown away because they could not think beyond the moment.  Needless. Senseless. 

Update:  Mother of accused teen apologizes to families of dead and injured students.  Hudson: I just finished watching this news report.  This should be mandatory viewing for all parents and guardians of impressionable young people.  It should also be required viewing in our schools and other places where teens gather.  A remorseful mother apologizes for the actions of her son.  She is distraught.  Her baby is in trouble she can’t fix.  Her pain resonates. No parents wants this.  And her child cries like a baby in front of the judge as he faces the charges.  When I say “baby,” I don’t mean that disrespectfully.  What I’m saying is he is a young teenager, in many respects, still a baby on his life journey who fell victim to the allure of older teens who he looked up to.  I know what it’s like since I was once there and thought t was so cool to walk with a tough crowd.  By the absolute grace of God, I realized I was on my way to failure.  I escaped.  This young fellow was not as fortunate.  His tears in front of the judge said it all…. If I could do it over, I would.  If I could join my teammates on the football field for spring practice, I would.  If I could hug my mother and tell her how much I love her, I would.  But he can’t, he’s charged with murder.  He made a horrible decision and now faces the consequences.  It must stop! 

12, 13-year-old shot on playground – Two children, a boy and a girl, were wounded when gunfire broke out between two arguing groups of youths at a playground serving an Atlanta housing area.  The children were taken to the hospital with what appeared to be non-life-threatening wounds. The investigation continues and there is no word whether the two were innocent bystanders or part of the confrontation which led to shots. Hudson:  These two children and the other young people involved in this should have been in front of my chess boards learning to make the right moves in their lives.  Here they are on a playground…  Let me repeat that for emphasis, a playground – which should be a safe haven for children – and wounded by gun violence.  I ask, “What in the world is happening here?” There are so many questions to be asked but they have been asked many times before.  Stop this madness!  We must join to save our children  and the future of our communities and nation.  We are losing another generation. My mission is to save one child at a time from a life of ruin or, worse, no life at all. 

Numerous teens shot in Columbus – Nine children ranging in age from 5 to 17-years-old were shot outside a Columbus gas station Friday a little after 10 p.m.  None of the wounded are facing life threatening injuries. Of the nine involved, there were seven males ages 5, 12, 13, 14, 15(2), and 17. There were two 13-year-old girls. Hudson: There are few details at this writing with this story but I have to ask… nine children, one as young as 5, all under 17, gathered at a rural gas station at 10 p.m. on a Friday… all suffering gunshot wounds?  What in the world are we coming to?  How did these children get out of their multiple homes.  Parents?  Guardians?  In this day and age with so much mayhem on our streets, we must protect our children and do all we can to keep them from harm.  This is such a troubling story.   

Two teenagers shot outside event business – Atlanta police responded to a shooting call outside an event business at 3:45 a.m. A business representative said they forced groups out of the facility when they closed.  It was there an argument broke out and shots were fired hitting the two teens.  Hudson:  The report does not tell us how old they were but if they were older teens, they should have known better.  If they were younger, someone older should have protected them and taught them better.  There are consequences for every move.  Tell me what good happens on the street after 3 a.m. Simple answer, nothing! 

17-year-old snatches gun, murders owner – A stop at a local Dunkin’ Doughnuts ended with one dead and a teenager facing a life behind bars.  Police were called after the teen noticed a handgun in a customer’s waist band.  He grabbed the gun and fled.  The owner gave chase and caught the robber in the parking lot.  During the struggle, the gun discharged killing the 41-year-old gun owner.  Police later arrested the 17-year-old who was staying at a nearby hotel.  Hudson :  I always wonder what kind of life someone this young must have had that positioned him for such a life ending and changing act.  Where was his home? Family?  And what about the victim? Father? Husband?  How did the 17-year-old get here?  Could there have been a successful intervention at an earlier age?  I have to believe, yes. Sad result from a horrible momentary decision.   

Manhunt looking for 15-year-old killer – Atlanta police were searching for a 15-year-old juvenile after a shooting at an apartment complex left a 25-year-old male dead and a 40-year-old woman wounded and hospitalized in stable condition.  The shooting broke out after an argument erupted between a group of teens.  An immediate search of the area did not find the young killer.  Hudson: A 15-year-old walking the streets with a gun is calamity waiting to happen.  It happened here.  Why?  Try to imagine you are 15 and facing a long jail term.  Want to start over?  You can’t.  That’s not the way the game you chose to play allows.  There are consequences for every act. 

Student brawl in school hallway leads to firing of teacher – A fight in a Rockdale County high school led to one teacher trying to stop the altercation.  When he could not, another teacher came to his aid and body slammed the aggressor student to the floor. It stopped the fight but the administration fired the teacher for use of excessive force.  Hudson:  Is this now a daily occurrence in our schools?  You wonder why young people would want an education career facing this kind of behavior that seems to becoming routine.  Something must be done and I believe that is at the home level.  This is wrong, plain and simple.  Respect for one’s self and others seems to be a lost message.  Quality teachers are not easy to find.  Here is a man who reacted instantaneously and did what he could to stop the brawl and restore order.  Now he has lost his livelihood. And the students involved?  Will they face severe punishment for disrupting a learning environment?  Let’s hope so and that they learn from their mistake. Actions have consequences.  

High School student breaks teacher’s leg – An argument between  a teacher and a 9th grade female student led to violence when the student lost control and allegedly attacked the teacher.  The ensuing fight found the two wrestling on the floor before they were separated.  The teacher was taken to the hospital for treatment for a broken leg.  The student was arrested and faces criminal charges. Hudson:  This makes me so sad.  The schoolhouse should be a safe haven, a sanctuary where learning takes precedence.  Today, it is not.  Daily fights keep staff and students on edge. How did this young person get to this point where she had no respect for authority or no idea of what her actions could do… suspension, criminal record, ostracized by her peers. Actions have consequences! 

14-year-old arrested driving stolen car – Clayton County police spotted a reported stolen car and gave chase.  After pulling into an apartment complex and almost wrecking the vehicle, the two people in the car fled.  A patrol dog located a suspect’s shoe then tracked the law-breaker to his apartment where he had attempted to change clothes in an attempt to deceive officers.  The 14-year-old was taken into custody and charged with theft by receiving stolen property, obstruction of law enforcement, reckless driving, and curfew violation.  An 18-year-old passenger in the car was also arrested.  Hudson:  Pretty tough charge sheet for a 14-year-old kid.  Will this arrest turn him around before something worse happens to him and/or others?  I hope so. 

Atlanta 17-year-old arrested in connection with murder in Minnesota – A shooting at the Mall of the Americas on Dec. 23 in Bloomington, Minnesota has resulted in the arrest of a 17-year-old Atlantan and charges of second-degree murder and second-degree assault.  A disturbance broke out inside the Nordstroms department store and shots rang out.  A 19-year-old was killed. Another person was grazed by a bullet. An 18-year-old was also charged in the shooting death. The suspect fled but was tracked down in Atlanta.  Hudson:  Inside a crowded department store two days before Christmas?  What kind of thought process allows such an act?  I would love to ask this 17-year-old.  My guess is as he sits in jail looking at a long future behind bars, he would not have an answer. 

13-year-old shot, killed at skating rink – There are few details and no suspects at this time.  The shooting happened outside a community skating rink about 11:30 pm on a Saturday.  Atlanta City Council members were quick to comment and mourn this latest teen loss.  One Council member is pushing for enforced youth curfews. She said if guns can’t be taken off the streets, we must take our children off  to keep them out of harm’s way.  Hudson:  I applaud the idea but no matter how hard you try you won’t solve the problem.  We must get to the root causes and give kids reason to stay off the streets, especially late at night when many bad things happen. 

17-year-old high school junior dies in shootout with adult – The story starts this way: A South Fulton family is distraught after losing their 17-year-old son to gun violence.  The mother expressed her agony, “I’m feeling hurt.  I feel empty inside. My heart has a hole in it.  My stomach feels like it is just swirling.”  Police say both the teen and man had guns and fired after an argument in a local park.  The single-mother called her son “a person who is not hostile.  He is quiet. Everyone who knows him… he has a quiet demeanor.”  But she admitted that after changing schools, the young man “started hanging with the wrong crowd.”  She added when she learned her son had a weapon, “A gun? No… That… No, never.  I wouldn’t ever say what my child wouldn’t do when I’m not around, but he’s a great kid.  I don’t know where he got a gun.  It’s about the pressures of the streets.” Hudson:  How could have this been prevented?  It’s a classic case:  Single mom doing all she can to raise her son safely and honorably.  The story explains she has another son serving in the Marine Corps.  A young person falling in with the wrong crowd and possibly making a decision to carry and use a weapon…  My heart is saddened by her loss.  I am energized to do all I can to save other families from suffering such agonizing loss. Think it out, don’t shoot it out!